Friday, 14 June 2013

Warning - Plug & Play Performance Chip

Massive and unrealistic power increases are often advertised by many companies.
We have tested many of these claims and found that in most cases not even a third
of the claimed figure's could be achieved. We have found and proved that in some
cases the vehicle's end up with LESS power than standard. Most of the tuning prod-
ucts sold by these companies have not even been tested. Dynamometer results are
also computer generated in most cases because the actual product has never been
tested on a dynamometer. Most of these companies does not even own a dy-
namometer.  We have a dynamometer to prove our results. We also have qualified
engineers and mechanics as part of our development structure. We create South
African products for South African condition's. We offer proven results with a money
back guarantee, risk free. The best quality products at the best prices.

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